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Burlington, VT, USA


The hummers have been a bit elusive this year. Happy to see this handsome fellow. 7-20-23



Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird 7-20-23

2 replies on “Ruby-throated Hummingbird”

Jo-Anne Rees says:

I have seen only a few going to my flowers and neighbors flowers this year so far. I put a red class hummingbird feeder out with boiled sugar water as instructed, but I didn’t realize that the sun was hitting it hard certain times of day. I surely hope I did not scald the poor little guys. And worried the liguid might have gone bad…so I took the feeder down.
What do we really think about these red glass feeders? Anyone?

Heidi Faulkner, Project Assistant says:

Hello Jo-Anne, thank you for reaching out! As long as your sugar water (4:1 ratio of water to sugar) does not have red-dye in it, it should be okay to drink. We at PFW recommend changing out the sugar water every 3-4 days and cleaning between feedings, as when sugar water is left in the sun, it tends to get moldy faster, which is harmful for hummingbirds. For more info, please feel free to check out our Feeding Birds page on Food Types here to see more on hummingbird sugar water care.

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