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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Shirley Donald

Oro-Medonte, ON, Canada


I am used to glancing out the window and seeing Mourning Doves, Dark-eyed Juncos, and Blue Jays on these feeders. Imagine my reaction on spotting this Barred Owl perched on the feeder pole. He was very interested in something under the snow and ignored the squirrels and birds.


Rub My Eyes

2 replies on “Rub my Eyes”

I really enjoyed all of these pictures. It reminded me of where I watch the birds, at the feeders I have right outside the windows in my Dinette, where I have a wonderful “Show” every day. There are a variety of birds that come; House Finches, Goldfinches, Northern Cardinals, Chickadees, Titmouse, Slate-colored Juncos, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mourning Doves, etc. and every so often a stranger like a Rusty Blackbird, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak appear. I feed the birds Safflower seeds; mainly to keep the squirrels from attacking and knocking the feeders down.

Roberta Gabriel says:

Truly Amazing Photo! What a blessing to capture this wonderful bird! Thanks for sharing.

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