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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Nancy Crowther

Orland Park Illinois


This hawk was eating a rabbit. I slowly crept forward, hidden by tall tomato plants. I was about six feet away from this bird when I got the photo. I sent the photo to a state raptor center, who identified it for me. While I’m concerned about the effects of hawks in my feeder area, I love seeing them, and they do have the right to eat.

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Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk, Eating A Rabbit

Hawk is interesting near feeders, because it always causes excitement.

One reply on “Juvenile red-tailed hawk, eating a rabbit”

Debra Calvet says:

Beautiful picture!. I love watching birds. I have hawks where I live too but I have never gotten to see one that close. Well through binoculars only. They are a magnificent creature. The joy of creation. I am so glad you posted the picture.

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