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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Chris Duxbury

Independence, OH, USA


Sick bird


Sick behavior

Puffball Not Feeling Well (goldfinch)

This little goldfinch has been sitting in or near the heated bird bath I feel trying to stay warm. He’ll sit there over an hour. He also sits in my window bird feeder for a long time and it looks like he has a hard time eating. He is usually around when all the other birds have left.

One reply on “Puffball not feeling well (goldfinch)”

Ava Johnson says:

He might be sick, or maybe he’s cold. If you don’t have cats that live near your yard, you could try putting a cardboard box with a towel in somewhere near him to help him stay warm.

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