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Photo Submission

Submitted By

Linda Ruth

Coventry, CT, USA


This Sharp-shinned Hawk flew into my kitchen window while trying to capture an Eastern Bluebird that was feeding on live mealworms at a feeder that was attached to the window by suction cups. I had been watching the bluebird, looked away for a moment, and was startled by the loud thud. I looked up and saw the hawk’s feathers flying. I looked out of the window and saw the hawk lying on the ground cover under the window. I took this photo, then opened the window to get a better shot, but he flew off, apparently unharmed, when I leaned out of the window. He hit the window really hard and I am surprised he wasn’t killed by the blow.



Sharp-shinned Hawk Window Strike

Stunned hawk (which I believe is a juvenile plumaged female Sharp-shinned Hawk, based on size, yellow iris, darkly streaked breast and fairly wide white tail band), lying on the ground after a window strike. A few seconds later, the bird flew off, apparently unharmed.

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