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sheila chambers

Brookings, OR, USA


This is a female Spotted Towhee that cannot close her beak, which could cause it to starve. I suspect she has avian pox.


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Female Spotted Towhee Afflicted With Avian Pox

Female Spotted towhee that cannot close it's beak & so it will soon starve to death. I suspect it has avian pox. Sprayed area with diluted bleach. The male will have to find another mate, if there is one.

2 replies on “Female Spotted Towhee afflicted with avian pox”

Sonja says:

I have one this morning that can’t close its beak, is fluffed out, and comes closer to the kitchen door than usual for towhees. I looked up avian pox and the images don’t seem to quite right. I sure would like to know what is going on with this bird and if I can help.

TK says:

Today – April 29/2024 Victoria BC – I noticed a Spotted Towee with what looks like a bald and rough skin area around one eye. It looked like the same thing house finches I saw in Ontario, Canada years ago, had. Pox. Have not been able to get a good photo yet but will continue to monitor.
I also noticed as some have on other posts, that it seem larger – as if it were pregnant. Foraging behaviour looks normal .
Cleaning feeders regularly helps prevent this disease.

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