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Projet FeederWatch

Photo Submission

Submitted By

Percy G Ulsamer

Bremen, ME, USA


At Hog Island Audubon Camp, there are a pair of ospreys that nest every year. While I was there, they went up into the nest to band the and survey the young. Rachel, the mother, was not very happy, even when they were returning the chicks to the nest. She would circle and hover the nest, screeching at the humans below.

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5 replies on “Defend”

Mary says:

Great photo! Would love to see more like this!

Barbara Pace says:

Incredible photo!

Amazing photo of this bird in flight. Makes you feel as if the bird is right near you and you are witnessing it first hand.

Rex Iacurci says:

Perfect! You caught the moment.

Margaret leonhardt says:

Well done cuz

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