Photo Submission
Submitted By
Patrick Sinnott
Eugene, OR, USA
I had been stalking this Rock Pigeon for weeks – I knew just where it was, but it kept eluding me! Finally, after hours in my portable camouflaged bird blind, with camouflaged twigs on my camouflaged hat, in my camouflaged uniform; I snapped this pic! Kidding, of course! But, as a new birder, this is an ode to all of the “common” birds who gladly humor me and permit me to take pictures, while the more rare birds often escape me! Thank you, “common” birds — although you are sometimes considered a menace, you are also sometimes appreciated.
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One reply on “Rock Pigeon, Rock Pigeon — Oh Lovely Rock Pigeon”
An exquisite bird when you take a closer look.