Photo Submission
Submitted By
Theresa Nickels
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I first saw this young albino Robin out my bedroom window early on a Saturday morning. He was hoping around pecking at the ground. I thought I was seeing things. It looked like a white dove but then I saw it strike that Robin pose. I watch it for a week or so. He often stayed late into the evening and begged to every adult Robin the came near.
One reply on “White Robin”
I saw an albino robin this morning. Wasn’t sure what it was at first. It appeared to be just a hair larger than a regular colored Robin. I wasn’t able to get a photo. It behaved sure and caught a worm just like a robin. I will do my best to get a photo. The other Robin that was next to it began talking to it and to talk to it. I live in west Aurora IL.