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Vous avez encore le temps de vous inscrire pour la saison 2024-2025 du Projet FeederWatch, qui se termine le 30 avril. Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui!


Projet FeederWatch

Photo Submission

Submitted By

Richard Carlson

Muskegon, MI, USA


I picked up the cat Halloween mask on clearance for a couple dollars. I cut part of the mouth out. Then cut a yogurt container in half and painted it pink. Then hot glued that to the mouth, which gave me a tongue. On the back side I hot glued a small juice bottle to hold the seeds.
All that was left to do was sit at the kitchen table while enjoying my coffee. Watching all the birds and squirrels feed from the cats mouth..

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Species: Tufted Titmouse

Cat And A Titmouse

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