Photo Submission
Submitted By
Stephen & Judy Shelasky
Longmeadow, MA, United States
While we get Red-bellied, Downy and Hairy often at our suet feeders, it was a real treat this past several days to welcome a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker to the dinner table. It had been at least a year or so since we had the pleasure of seeing one in our yard. Unlike the other woodpeckers who come and go, the Sapsucker would stay at the suet for long periods of time, say 15 to 30 minutes, then scoot up to the trunk of a nearby tree to peck away for some insect-laden sap for awhile before returning to the suet. He was especially hungry and all puffed up during our recent blizzard-like conditions! I have other photos that show him closeup during the snow storm and frigid days.
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