Photo Submission
Submitted By
Mark Lowry
Lexington, KY, United States
This particular area of Salt River in Anderson County KY has a considerable number of Prothonatary Warblers each year. However, they tend to be camera/people shy; but not this one. His colors were/are absolutely as stunning as his song.This particular male sang incessantly from several perches in the one small area; this perch was his favorite as he repeatedly returned to this perch singing for about 3-5 minutes during each session. Not only did he have extended singing sessions; but this one had no fear of me being so close (about 30 feet). No other warblers were observed in his area so all his ‘hollering’ must have at least worked from a territorial defense perspective! Did his song attract any females? That question remains unanswered but we can assume and hope it all went well.
One reply on “Here I am!”
what a nice picture!