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Vous avez encore le temps de vous inscrire pour la saison 2024-2025 du Projet FeederWatch, qui se termine le 30 avril. Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui!


Projet FeederWatch

Photo Submission

Submitted By

Gina Harmeyer

Watervliet, MI, USA


My friend had just filled his hummingbird feeder so I was watching to see if anyone would come to eat. I spotted this Ruby-Throated Hummingbird and quietly stepped outside to see if I could get a picture. The sun was setting in the background creating a silhouette of the hummingbird.

Hummingbird At Sunset

Hummingbird at Sunset

4 replies on “Hummingbird at Sunset”

Beverly Dillier says:

Beautiful composition

Gina Harmeyer says:

Thanks for the kind remarks!

Sherri Eschbach says:

I am so in love with these little aviators! I have so many in N Ga mountains

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