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There’s still time to sign up for the current FeederWatch season, which runs through the end of April. Sign up today!


Photo Submission

Submitted By

Barbara Hostetler

Spring Mount, PA, United States


I was doing my usual feederwatch activity for day one of two for this week. I had quite a number of Robins on the Eastern Red Cedar as it is full of berries.
It was then that I noted this bird and on first glance without my binoculars, thought it was a song sparrow. However, on magnification I noted the eye ring and beak coloration specific to this bird. It has been out there for a couple hours now. I was thrilled to have seen such a rare bird for this area , and sad at the same time as they appear to be on vulnerable conservation status. I will be keeping an eye for the next few days to see if it hangs around. Hopefully its just a first year bird late on its migration.



Bicknells Thrush Sighting.


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